Stress/Anxiety….has become a very big problem.

Stress/Anxiety….has become a very big problem.   There are mounting statistics on how stress has detrimental effects on the body, mind, emotions and health.   The American Institute of Stress notes that 75 to 90 percent of Doctor Visits are for stress-related complaints.

A Harvard Study shows that people who live in a state of high anxiety are 4 1/2 times more likely to suffer sudden cardiac death than non-anxious individuals.

Something to think about is in 2002 people in the United States alone purchased nearly $17.2 billion dollars worth of anti depressants and anti-anxiety drugs, up more thatn 10 percent from 2001.

What do you think it is in 2009?

Americans also spent $1.1 billion dollars in the same year of prescription sleeping pills.   7 of the top ten best selling drugs are for stress-related ailments. And its not just an American problem.   Developed nations across the globe report higher levels of stress, anger, anxiety and dissatisfaction .

It is my opinion, that we are constantly “on” via, e mail, internet, cell phones, TV etc.

And more and more we are experiencing other peoples stress. Peoples energies, reactions and words. We are all feeling it.

In my office, people will tell me they need their stress to get things done. So its almost become normal to some people to think stress is a good thing.

My advice and reframe to that thinking is , would ‘nt it be better to have motivation, drive or power instead of stress?   Remember , to much stress turns in to overwhelm.   Energy, clarity, creativity declines. You may experience more aches and pains and here comes the ants (automatic negative thoughts)! Stress robs us of enjoyment and our vitality.

Stress Symptons can include:


Lack of Humor


Excessive ness


Aches and pains





and more..


In understanding stress, I want for you to consider that stress is not really about the external things, like the boss, the wife, the job, the sport.

This is where I get to work with my clients. I can almost guarantee, I can teach them to consistently change their reaction to almost anything.

I believe its how you perceive any situation andhow you respond with your emotions that is really what causes you stress.

As time goes on., most people have many times in their lives when they have a negative esperience or they are on emotional ups and downs.   Negative energy builds up as it has not where to go, anxiety, anger , frustration , blame until you either blow up, hide under the covers, have a panic attack, etc.

Fortunately new research and new modalities in therapy can help you to have more calm and inner peace.

My cd’s, stay calm, stay confident, stay connected are all big helpers that I use when working with my clients.


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