Workshop Announcement: Go From I Can’t to I “Can”

Workshop Announcement: Go From I Can’t to I “Can”
Date: March 7, 2020
Time: noon-3pm
Price: $127
Registration: FULL

Have you ever wanted to change your…life?…career? Do something different? Make better decisions? Get unstuck? Act on a dream you’ve had your whole life?

In 2016 that is exactly what Karen Wippich did, with the help of life coach Diane Ulicsni. Karen went from a 40 year career as a graphic designer, to working as a full-time artist. A dream she had for as long as she can remember.

In this 3 hour workshop you will learn how to recognize and eliminate blocks. Diane will teach you simple ways to identify and stop negative thoughts that are blocking your success in any area.  Karen will share her transformation to full-time artist and how she made it happen.


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